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Commentaires YouTube.
A. Zanar Aesthetics. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – All Leonidas and 300 Spartans cutscenes [Vidéo]. YouTube, 1er octobre 2018. Consulté le : 22/03/22 (8 483 579 vues). Disponible sur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2XRhWd_N20.
1. Bryton Coy (29 likes) :
« This is one of the greatest battles ever fought, thank goodness I’m a history nerd because both this game and 300 are both good their not historically accurate but still good non the leas »
2. Bullet-Tooth Tony (1 like) :
« Greatest warriors of all time. I think some of our own military men were inspired by Leonidas and his 300 men’s last stand. There was a battle in the Korean War in the 1950’s which was its own Thermopylae. The Chinese army 63rd army numbering around 30,000 men were planning to mount an attack on a pass that lead straight into South Koreas capital Seoule. While every other UN army retreated from the Chinese around 4000 men of the British 29th brigade stayed behind and held back the Chinese advance for 4 days. Only 39 british made it back to the UN lines. The outcome was they had single handedly smashed an entire Chinese army and saved Seoule from the Chinese »
3. Daniel Blank (3.3k likes) :
«If a Spartan got rid of his shield during battle that meant he forfeit and it symbolizes weakness which is why they used to say : “come home with your shield, or on it” »
4. EspeonPsyc (2.7k) :
« At least those Spartans have actual armor and historical accurate helmets. »
5. HOLYFEAR96 (305 likes) :
« Too bad Ubisoft didn’t include the Thespians, Thebans, Malians, Arcadians, Corinthians, Phocians, and the other Peloponnesians that were in the battle. »
6. Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi (1 like) :
«Historic fact : did you know that if a spartan throws their shield it’s a sign of cowardice and surrender so especially Leonidas throwing his shield on the first fight was pretty much a way of saying that the Persians have already won so technically he surrendered the battle to the Persians so the first one was actually over before it shows it’s over… it was over the moment leonidas threw his shield they just didn’t realise »
7. Jhay teh AwSoam (787 likes) :
« If Leonidas threw his shield, that’d mean he is disgraced. Because loosing a spartan’s shield would be total disgrace. Mainly because their fighting styles revolve around the shields »
8. Justin (528 likes) :
« I personally like how this version of the battle somewhat mixes history and Herodotus’ account (what 300 used) together. Leonidas’ age is used correctly, the Spartans are dressed appropriately. Herodotus himself in-game even mentions the aftermath with Leonidas’ body. Where they really went wrong was adding their own custom elements like Leonidas throwing his shield. »
9. KageNoTenshi (8k likes)
« If the Spartans really did break formations like this, they would have all die within the first day »
10. Kutaev (8 likes) :
« Leonidas’ death was at the side of his troops, according to historians, when Leonidas’ body fell by the sword of a Persian, all the remaining Spartans who were fighting alongside Leonidas, headed glued towards the body of their King and tried to protect it, so that the Persians would not capture it ».
11. Mister Mustache Guy (1 like) :
« To everyone talking about how the arrows shouldn’t have pierced bronze armor, Some bows were made to pierce armor, it depends on the draw weight, draw weight is how many pounds it takes to pull back the string of the bow, they can range between 20 pounds to even pass 200 pounds and the heavier the draw weight the more force the arrow will have so it is very much possible for arrows to penetrate bronze armor, also you have to remember that this is the bronze age and bronze was brittle when compared to other metals but since this was the bronze age it was the most common used metal for armor and weapons, that isn’t saying that iron wasn’t available it was just very uncommon, the age of what ever metal being used doesn’t mean that was the only metal used it just means it was the most common and in this case it would be bronze and at this time bronze was the best metal available on a wide spread, that brings me to my next reason as to why the arrows could pierce the bronze armor, iron head arrows while highly unlikely as I mentioned before iron was very uncommon but it did exist so if the arrows were iron it could definitely go through bronze armor, there is actually videos of iron swords breaking bronze swords, also the sword that he drove into leonidas shouldn’t have been able to go through his armor, it would have made more since if he used an axe because axes were made to go through armor I hope this was helpful My source is Shadiversity a YouTuber and a weapons and armor enthusiast »
12. Nick Sibilla (4.8k likes) :
« The coolest thing is that this dude actually existed, like Leonidas was and always will be remembered as an absolute badass. »
13. Pain x savior (2.8k likes) :
« historically incorrect but at least they made the Persian ppl human 😅 »
14. Ryan Allen (16 likes) :
«Loved how historically accurate this game was even down to Leonidas true age which was around 60 when he died. Minus the defensive that was between the Spartans and the Persians and the fact that there was 6,700 other Greek soldiers made of Thespians and Thebans and other city state Greeks not just the 300, still very accurate. »
15. Vc180191 (3 likes) :
« Well historically, it was closer to about 7300 (-ish, it varies a lot due to inaccuracy of records) Greek soldiers from multiple states, rather than just 300 Spartans. While historically it’s correct that there were 300 Spartans, that was just the elite units, not even all the units from Leonidas’s own lands as those were joined by the Perioeci, who were a type of non-citizen “free state” people who lived within the lands of Sparta. Combine that with the dozen or so city-states within Greece that also sent forces to aid Leonidas and he had a significantly larger army than 300 (even the recent movie adds a force of 1000 Arcadians that people tend to forget (Dilios refers to them as “no better than violent butchers, but they get the job done”)) »
16. WishiWhooshi (2,5k likes) :
« Spartans : *Fought in the phalanx formation*
Ubisoft : Nah fam. Historical battle strategies are lame. Just have them suddenly break formation in the middle of battle. »
B. MongrelNevada08. 300 (2006) – Hot Gates Battle (1/2) Movieclips [vidéo]. YouTube, 14 août 2017. Consulté le : 22/03/22 (6 716 313 vues). Disponible sur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ba2ZinGLl4
1. B i g M a n, I n c. (57 likes) :
« Ukrainians holding out against the Russian invasion got me thinking of the Greeks at Thermopylae, big time. God bless ’em. »
2. Dausactor6373 (6 likes) :
« “Ukrainians ! Lay down your weapons!”
“Russians! Come and get them!” »
3. Dfathurr (667 likes) :
« Fun fact : that badass line at 1:40 is historically accurate. Greeks did say “Come and get them” (Molon Labe in Greek) »
4. IronVigilance Paintball (1 like) :
« Fun Fact : Some Historians say that at 1:16 the Persian actually said “Give me/us your weapons!” Which is where the Spartans decided to oblige by chucking it into his chest. Spartan Humor. And they did correctly follow it up with Leonidas saying “Come and take them (Molon Labe)” »
5. Ri3it483qthirf (25 likes) :
« Tribute to the Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island, μολὼν λαβέ »
6. RobZoneFire (29 likes) :
« President Zelensky is the New Leonidas »
7. Rudi 1510 (348 likes) :
« The coolest thing is, the Spartans actually used oneliners like those. »
8. Shadyxx92 (5 likes) :
« Kiev is the new Thermopylae »
9. TigerFlan (10 likes) :
« This describes the current situation with Ukraine and Russia »
10. Thahomie Mee (9 likes) :
« Zelensky during the Russian invasion »
11. TheLacedeamon (1 like) :
« Well its a historical phrase. King Leonidas actually said that in the start of the fight to the persians. In ancient greek its “Μολών Λαβέ” and its 100% legit historical phrase ».
C. Shirrako. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Spartans Tag Team Fight (Epic Cutscene) Meeting Brasidas [vidéo]. YouTube, 2 octobre 2018. Consulté le : 06/05/2022 (197 541 vues). Disponible sur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGaVUGPyCbs&t=227s
1. Allen Haraldson (458 likes) :
« Ugghhh ! F I N A L L Y. A Spartan warrior depicted accurately in his fighting style; a style of USING his shield and an integral part of his defense AND offense; rather than a frisbee. »
Critiques Rotten Tomatoes relatives au film 300
Review 300. In : Rotten Tomatoes [en ligne]. Consulté le : 27/05/2022. Disponible sur : https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/300/reviews?intcmp=rt-scorecard_tomatometer-reviews.
1. Andrew Osmond (Sight and Sound, Royaume-Uni), 06/07/2010.
« If 300 represents an evolution in ‘virtual’ cinema, then at the same time it tells a story that transports us back to the violent roots of western civilisation. »
2. Brian Webster (Apollo Guide, Royaume-Uni), 05/08/2007.
« While far from sophisticated in its ‘I have filled my heart with hate’ messaging, it resonates with the ‘us versus them’ worldview that’s wildly popular in some circles. »
3. Matthew Turner (ViewLondon, Royaume-Uni), 24/03/2007.
« this is a gorgeously designed, impressively directed and action-packed swords-and-sandals flick, even if the fascist overtones and the shouting gets a bit much after a while. »
4. Pablo Villaça (Cinema em Cena, Brésil), 30/03/2007 :
« Moralmente repreensível e narrativamente frágil. Ainda assim, é um filme contagiante cuja beleza plástica chega quase a compensar por todos os seus demais problemas. »
5. Paul Byrnes (Sydney Morning Herald, Australie), 06/04/2007.
« It is violent enough to make you shudder and close enough to fascist art to make your skin crawl. »
6. Peter Bradshaw (Guardian, Royaume-Uni), 24/03/2007.
« Apart from anything else, the idea of America having the Spartans’ underdog status is not plausible »
7. Thomas Delapa (Boulder Weekly, États-Unis), 15/03/2007.
« By Zeus, where do I sign up for the Crusades ? »